دانلود مقاله effect of the combined external donors on the stereo defect distribution and microstructural properties of polypro

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دانلود مقاله effect of the combined external donors on the stereo defect distribution and microstructural properties of polypropylenes synthesized with an industrial ziegler natta catalyst فایل ورد (word) دارای 7 صفحه می باشد و دارای تنظیمات در microsoft word می باشد و آماده پرینت یا چاپ است

فایل ورد دانلود مقاله effect of the combined external donors on the stereo defect distribution and microstructural properties of polypropylenes synthesized with an industrial ziegler natta catalyst فایل ورد (word) کاملا فرمت بندی و تنظیم شده در استاندارد دانشگاه و مراکز دولتی می باشد.

این پروژه توسط مرکز مرکز پروژه های دانشجویی آماده و تنظیم شده است

توجه : در صورت  مشاهده  بهم ریختگی احتمالی در متون زیر ،دلیل ان کپی کردن این مطالب از داخل فایل ورد می باشد و در فایل اصلی دانلود مقاله effect of the combined external donors on the stereo defect distribution and microstructural properties of polypropylenes synthesized with an industrial ziegler natta catalyst فایل ورد (word) ،به هیچ وجه بهم ریختگی وجود ندارد

بخشی از متن دانلود مقاله effect of the combined external donors on the stereo defect distribution and microstructural properties of polypropylenes synthesized with an industrial ziegler natta catalyst فایل ورد (word) :

سال انتشار: 1393
محل انتشار: پانزدهمین کنگره ملی مهندسی شیمی ایران
تعداد صفحات: 7
s hakim – iran polymer and petrochemical institute p.o.box:14965/115
m nekoomanesh – iran polymer and petrochemical institute p.o.box:14965/115
a shahrokhinia – iran polymer and petrochemical institute p.o.box:14965/115


Homopolypropylene samples with an industrial Ziegler-Natta catalyst and in the presence of combined external donors, namely cyclohexyldimethoxymethylsilane (donor C) and Dicyclopenthyldimethoxysilane (donor D) with different molar ratio of donor C to D (0.3 for sample 1, 1.2 for sample 2, 4.6 for sample 3) were synthesized. A synergistic effect on molecular weight and approximately on poly dispersity index and melting temperature, decrease in crystallinity (%) and crystallization temperature from sample 1 to 3 were observed. The SSAresults showed that in spite of close average stereo-regularity, the stereo-defect distribution differences between the all of samples were so vast and from sample 1 to 3, thick lamellar amount was changed drastically and stereo-defect distribution became narrower. With using mixed external donors, different properties like high molecular weight, broad PDI and narrow stereo- defect distribution in sample 3 and low molecular weight, narrow PDI and broad stereo-defect distribution in sample 1 were obtained.

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